Dr Bri Newland (New York University) on 'Environmentalism and Events'

Podcast blurb: Event environmentalism is the practice of making events more sustainable and environmentally friendly. Mega and major events can leave a very costly impact on the environment and the resources of the host location. Therefore, event managers must be proactive and deliberate about decisions they make and the impact they make. Environmental sustainability is not just simply using paper straws instead of plastic. It is the overall measured choices to reduce waste, use sustainable materials, work with environmentally conscious partners/vendors, and enable transportation options that have a lower environmental impact. Climate change impacts us all, but increased severe weather, drought, extreme heat, and wildfires have a substantial impact on the event industry, and managers should understand and own their part in mitigating the effects events have on the Earth.

Bri’s bio: Dr. Bri Newland is the Assistant Dean of the Division of Applied Undergraduate Studies and a Professor in the Tisch Institute for Global Sport. Her research explores the drivers of mass participation sport event tourism to better understand how to leverage business, social, and environmental impacts. Dr. Newland has published several manuscripts in academic journals, numerous book chapters, and is a co-editor of three textbooks. She serves as the current Academic Chair for NASSM’s annual conference. Dr. Newland is the editor for the Sport Marketing Quarterly, serves as associate editor for Managing Sport & Leisure and Event Management, and sits on several other editorial boards of academic journals.

Further reading and resources:

UN: https://sdgs.un.org/goals

IOC: https://olympics.com/ioc/sustainability-and-legacy-commission

WTO: https://www.unwto.org/resources-unwto

Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/think-sustainability/id1090782792 - this is just on general sustainability (not just events), but covers a range of great topics.





Prof Steve Pratt (University Central Florida) on 'Sustainable Development'