Dr Erik Lachance (Brock University) on 'Volunteering and Events'
Podcast blurb: What is arguably the most central resource for events to be delivered? Volunteers. Despite their importance, volunteers continue to be more challenging to recruit, manage, and retain. This points to the need to consider how events manage their volunteers’ experiences to promote positive outcomes. This podcast recording is concerned with providing insights to practitioners on the volunteer experience in events. The volunteer experience is explained as a phenomenon understood according to four predictive constructs: satisfaction, motivation, commitment, and sense of community. Podcast insights provide strategies to manage and promote a positive volunteer experience in events as well as future trends.
Erik’s bio: Erik L. Lachance, Ph.D., is currently a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow in the Department of Sport Management at Brock University. Dr. Lachance’s research is interested in sport event volunteers, governance, and strategic management. His post-doctoral research project is funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada and Sport Canada. His work is published in leading international event management, sport management, and leisure journals. Practically, he has been involved as a volunteer in sport events at the community, regional, provincial/territorial, national, and international levels. He is the inaugural Chair of Event Management’s Ph.D./Early Career Researcher Editorial Board.
Further reading and resources:
Volunteering Australia: https://www.volunteeringaustralia.org/resources/new-volunteering-resource-hub/
Volunteer Canada: https://volunteer.ca/index.php.
We will also be launching a new Curated Collections on “Volunteering” in Event Management Journal from 2024 onwards: https://cognizantcommunication.com/publication/event-management/