Entrepreneurial Leveraging in Liminoidal Olympic Transit Zones


Our paper throws new light on how entrepreneurial leverage is achieved in Olympic Transit Zones. Specifically, we investigate: i) contextual features enabling and constraining ‘immediate leveraging’ efforts, ii) tactics deployed to leverage, and iii) how local-entrepreneurs encouraged visitors to connect and interact with localities. We deployed a walking-methodology and interviews with local-stakeholders during Rio 2016 to do this. Findings indicate that less securitised and regulated Olympic Transit Zones allowed entrepreneurs to leverage spaces they would be typically excluded from, whilst simultaneously producing spaces that encouraged greater dwell-time for visitors to interact with local-culture and traders. We draw on concepts of liminality, liminoidal and communitas to explain these contrary findings and suggest how future events can foster such environments.


Duignan, M.B., Down, S., and O’Brien, D. (2020). Entrepreneurial Leveraging in Liminoidal Olympic Transit Zones. Annals of Tourism Research, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.annals.2019.102774


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