Prof Jane Ali-Knight (Edinburgh Napier University) on 'Event Leadership'

Podcast blurb: Jane examines the concept and practice of leadrship in the events industry.

Jane’s bio: Dr. Jane Ali-Knight is a Professor in Festival and Event Management at Edinburgh Napier University, Scotland and a Visiting Research Professor at Curtin University, Perth. She is currently leading and developing the festival and event subject group as well as lecturing at Universities internationally and facilitating training and development in the field. Her core activities fall into three main areas: event and festival related programmes; research and publications and conferences and professional events. She is currently a board member of BAFA (British Arts and Festivals Association), Without Walls, Women in Tourism and Hidden Door Festival and is a Fellow of the HEA and Royal Society of the Arts.

Further resources and reading:

General articles reviewing leadership development theory (some reference to transformative leadership, leader identity, and efficacy): Day et al., (2021) “Advancing the science of 21st – century leadership development: Theory, research, and practice”, The Leadership Quarterly, 32(5)

Marques, J .& Dhimam,S (2017) in Frederick S. , Southwick M.D., Brenda L. , Martini M.A., Dennis S. , Charney M.D., Steven M. , Southwick M.D. (2017) Leadership and Resilience in Leadership Today: Practices for Personal & Professional Performance 315-334, Springer.

Empowering leadership: Hoang, G., Wilson-Evered, E., Lockstone-Binney, L. and Luu, T.T.. (2021) ‘Empowering leadership in hospitality and tourism management: a systematic literature review’, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 33(12), 4182–4214.

Transformative leadership: Wang, Y. and Li, M. (2022) ‘Leadership, creativity, and recovery from crisis in rural tourism’, Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 27(6), 652–670.

Leader identity development and Leader Role Efficacy (LRE): Kwok et al. (2021) I can, I am: Differential predictors of leader efficacy and identity trajectories in leader development, The Leadership Quarterly, 32(5)

LRE: Machida, M. and Schaubroeck, J. (2011) The Role of Self-Efficacy Beliefs in Leader Development, Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies, 18(4), pp. 4590468.

LRE: Anderson et al., (2008) A leadership self-efficacy taxonomy and its relation to effective leadership, The Leadership Quarterly, 19(5), 5950-608.

LRE: Seibert et al. (2017) Linking Development Experiences to Leader Effectiveness and Promotability: The Mediating Role of leadership Self-Efficacy and Mentor Network, Personnel Psychology, 70, 357-397

Generic resources on leadership

Cheong, M. et al. (2019) ‘A review of the effectiveness of empowering leadership’, The Leadership Quarterly, 30(1), pp. 34–58.

Hewitt, K.K., Davis, A.W. and Lashley, C. (2014) ‘Transformational and Transformative Leadership in a Research-Informed Leadership Preparation Program’, Journal of Research on Leadership Education, 9(3), pp. 225–253.

Hoang, G. et al. (2021) ‘Empowering leadership in hospitality and tourism management: a systematic literature review’, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 33(12), pp. 4182–4214.

Holmberg, R., Larsson, M. and Bäckström, M. (2016) ‘Developing leadership skills and resilience in turbulent times’, Journal of Management Development, 35, pp. 154–169.

Kragt, D. and Guenter, H. (2018) ‘Why and when leadership training predicts effectiveness: The role of leader identity and leadership experience’, Leadership & Organization Development Journal, 39(3), pp. 406–418.

Ladegard, G. and Gjerde, S. (2014) ‘Leadership coaching, leader role-efficacy, and trust in subordinates. A mixed methods study assessing leadership coaching as a leadership development tool’, The Leadership Quarterly, 25(4), pp. 631–646.

Lord, R.G. and Hall, R.J. (2005) ‘Identity, deep structure and the development of leadership skill’, The Leadership Quarterly, 16(4), pp. 591–615.

MacKie, D. (2007) ‘Evaluating the effectiveness of executive coaching: Where are we now and where do we need to be?’, Australian Psychologist, 42(4), pp. 310–318.

Muir, D. (2014) ‘Mentoring and Leader Identity Development: A Case Study’, Human Resource Development Quarterly, 25(3), pp. 349–379.

Paglis, L.L. (2010) ‘Leadership self‐efficacy: research findings and practical applications’, Journal of Management Development, 29(9), pp. 771–782.

Shields, C.M. (2010) ‘Transformative Leadership: Working for Equity in Diverse Contexts’, Educational Administration Quarterly, 46(4), pp. 558–589.

Srivastava, A., Bartol, K.M. and Locke, E.A. (2006) ‘Empowering Leadership in Management Teams: Effects on Knowledge Sharing, Efficacy, and Performance’, The Academy of Management Journal, 49(6), pp. 1239–1251.

Wang, Y. and Li, M. (2022) ‘Leadership, creativity, and recovery from crisis in rural tourism’, Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, 27(6), pp. 652–670.

Generic resources women and leadership

Baum, T. (2007) Human resources in tourism: Still waiting for change. Tourism Management, 28(6), 1383–1399. Baum, T. (2013) International Perspectives on Women and Work in Hotels, Catering and Tourism. International Labour Office Working Paper.

Fernandez, M. (2023) Leadership in The Events Industry: A Woman’s Path To Success.

Gibson, H; Jordan, F. and Berdychevsky, L. (2013) Women in Tourism in Freysinger, V.J. Shaw, S.M. Henderson, K.A. Bialeschki, M.D. Leisure, women and gender, 3rd edition, Venture Publishing, 229-244

IBTM Event Management Gender Equality Report | IBTM Events

Muñoz-Bullón, F. (2009) The gap between male and female pay in the Spanish tourism industry. Tourism Management, 30(5). 638–649.

Pinar, M. McCuddy, M.K.; Birkan, I. and Kozak, M. (2011) Gender diversity in the hospitality industry: An empirical study in Turkey. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 30(1), 73–81. UNWTO (2011) Global Report on Women in Tourism 2010. Madrid.

Women 1st (2010). The case for change: Women working in hospitality, leisure, travel and tourism. UK.

Leadership and Events

Abson, Emma. (2021). Event Leadership - Theory and Methods for Event Management and Event Tourism. Goodfellows.

Leigh, V, Lamont, M & Cairncross, G (2021) Event managers' leadership styles and attitudes towards resourcing volunteer training: Exploring variation and practice implications. Tourism Management Perspectives. 40, 100887

Abson, E. (2017) How event managers lead: Applying competency school theory to event management Event Management, 21(4) 403-419.

Giudici, M & Filimonau, V. (2019) Exploring the linkages between managerial leadership, communication and teamwork in successful event delivery. Tourism Management Perspectives, 32 100558,

Goldblatt, J. (2005) Special Events: Event Leadership for A New World. (4th ed.), John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, NJ

Megheirkouni, M. (2018) Insights on practicing of servant leadership in the events sector

Sport, Business and Management: An International Journal, 8 (2) 134-152.


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